Lift Your Self-Esteem

Learn to soar above your challenges and rediscover happiness within

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Lift Your Self-Esteem

Is your Self-esteem holding you back? Are you lacking in confidence ?

Lift Your Self-Esteem is full of personal experiences, top tips and strategies to help you rise up from ground zero.

Soar above your challenges and rediscover the happiness within.

Be empowered to think bigger and see that dream come true.

About Fiona Myles

Turqoise butterfly

This is me Fiona Myles, born in the mid 60s. I’m married to the amazing Brian a gorgeous red head. We have one daughter Georgie and a son Connor.

Manchester has been our home for the past 18 years, a fabulous metropolis full of energy and history.

I started writing and telling stories from a fairly young age. My Mum bought me a typewriter when I was eight or nine years old. I battered away at that little typewriter day in and day out. Life moved on and the typewriter was laid to rest.

Fast forward 45 years and the laptop becomes my new typewriter. My passion as an author and blogger was reignited with a strong desire to bring hope in an awful period of time called “Lockdown.”

Fiona Myles

Review on No Darkness Too Deep

When I started this book, I was enthralled. I couldn’t put it down, I had to finish it so I read it in one sitting!

Mrs W – Amazon

Review on This is Me - I'm Adopted

An honest inspiring read, congratulations Fiona on writing a fascinating account of your life as an adoptee. You show real bravery & courage. Thank you for sharing your story.

S Cook – Amazon

Review on This is Me - I'm Adopted

Fiona opens her heart to the reader as she tells an honest and highly relatable account of her life. As a fellow adoptee, the emotions and experiences encountered by Fiona shocked me as they are so similar to my own. This book (and Fiona’s first book) will help adoptees everywhere to understand they are not alone in their struggle to come to terms with growing up adopted. It will also benefit prospective adopters and those who are already adoptive parents by giving them an insight into the possible feelings of rejection, abandonment and grief that many adoptees feel.

By Anna A – Amazon

Review on No Darkness Too Deep

I couldn’t put this book down and read it in one evening. Fiona’s account of her troubled life broke my heart, as I read how she went from one difficult situation to another, to another, having struggled with abandonment issues as a child. To read then how she discovered God’s love for her, became a Christian and helped other women to be strong, was so uplifting. I am looking forward to reading her next book.

C Beech – Amazon

Review on Adoption Trauma

Honest and Insightful

Easy to read with a brilliant message for adoptee’s This book will help many adopted people realised they are not alone with their feelings. It will help them will understand why they feel like they do and the author gives them great advice and help. But this not a text book it is based on the authors experience and life with antidotes interwoven. Really helpful book enjoyed it very much.
Thank you Fiona M
From an adoptee, Gabby German

Review on Adoption Trauma

Light yet insightful

I have just finished reading adoption trauma and highly recommend it. It’s a great mix of personal experience and practical tips on overcoming trauma. From the title it sounds like it’s gonna be a heavy read but I can assure you it is refreshingly light and even has humour in parts. I went into this book bracing myself for a smashing but honestly I have come out the other side of reading it excited about the prospect of embarking on this journey myself. Hearing Fiona’s personal testimony of her experience as an adopted child really resonated with me and has helped me understand some of my thoughts and feeling growing up and now as an adult
Thank you

Other books by Fiona Myles


Adoption Trauma is very real. Had it been recognised as a thing when I was young, maybe some of my issues would have been acknowledged and worked with instead of me being labelled the naughty child.

None of us adoptees can change what happened to us but we can take steps towards healing and wholeness.

Do you want to take a step towards confidence, acceptance and well-being?
This book is an inward look at my own Adoption Trauma, with some helpful insights on how I have overcome some of my issues like anger, fear and rejection.

Come and walk with me through my journey. There is always hope.

Adoption Trauma book by Fiona Myles

Georgie, Me & ADHD

If you are looking for this book to help you with your child with ADHD to be full of facts and how to and how not to do things. This might not be the book for you. Are you looking for a book by an exhausted Mum to one child with ADHD who sometimes gets it all wrong then please keep reading, this might be helpful. 

My journey has been a lonely one as the worst of it was during the pandemic and in the aftermath of the pandemic. I didn’t even get Covid! 

I knew that my beautiful child was going to have issues. It was well documented in the process we had to go through to have her placed with us, I naively thought that surely it couldn’t be that bad.  Note to self stop being naive …….We did truly think that our love alone would be all that she needed to overcome her difficulties. 

Georgie, me and ADHD by Fiona Myles